2day horhs...
miss chua lor...
she make us....
she got AP(Attitude problem)
we start 2 like her
she make us hate her
we make dis
Absent make until (pontang
Lucus = cancel L and S
add K
= Kucu
tiffany = The Thief
Eldon gwee earse the G put eldon wee wee
wen miss chua say WHO RYTE ELDON WEE WEE!!!
me and jordan LOL(laff out loud)
den glenn giggle
miss chua hit me and jordan :DDD so fun( not pain) she no muscle de :DD
all jelly
oh yar
tokin bout jelly
clarabelle earse the clara and the E bhind
add Y
bcome belly!!
wad arr
tessar nv touch
oh yar
michah bcome Sell card cuz of her chinse name (if u translate 2 english = sell card)
Wan ning bcome Wan Ton LOL!!!!
iie think tts abt all... w8 lemme thinkkk
iie forgot last 1 lerhs XD
no mre lerhs larrrr